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Production advantages

1. High accuracy up to ±0.5mm, fully meet the position requirements of stacking operation for logistics.
2. The robot has quick production rhythm and can work without interruption for 24 hours with output of 1-3 times more than manual painting.
3. The robot has high explosion-proof grade and safety performance, easy to operate.
4. Save labor costs, one investment, long-term benefit.


Suitableforstackingoperationforvariousproductspackedwithcartons,bags, bottles,etc.Stackingrobotcanbearheavyweight,itsspeedandqualityaremuch higherthanmanualwork.Takefour-axistransportingrobotsassample,theyare dividedintovariousmodelsrangefrom100kg-700kgaccordingtoloadcapacity. When moving in straight line, its maximum speed is up to 2500mm/s while transportingcapacityisupto1600timesperhour.


  • Stacking robot

  • Stacking robot

  • Stacking robot

  • Stacking robot

  • Stacking robot