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A.I.R.M System

Automation concept

Production automation development trend of intelligence, openness, networking, informatization. We take high speed, high efficiency, high precision, high reliability of the direction of the numerical control technology as the concept, base on traditional multi aixs CNC technology, integrate advanced control, PC-based, network communication technology for enterprises to build automated production management mode of unmanned production and operation, realizing production process of image detection, intelligent control, trajectory optimization, scheduling, data management and decision-making and other functions, finally achieve production management objectives of increasing the yield, improving quality, reducing consumption, ensuring safe operation.


Database management concept

The application of the computer network technology provide the best solution for enterprise information management system. Wharton company has established a set of unique QR code through the product, combined with the workstation’s interface, track and record technological processes, optimize productive time and store data. We can combine the Ethernet interface with the internal information management system, we believe it lays the foundation for paperless data exchange, process control and so on. The man-machine interface of the exchange can be come ture since the Visual interface and the database storage that adopts the development of DSP, that combined with invoke capabilities, thus enhance the intelligent application, reduce paint wastage, ensure the low cost.


Robot operation concept

The design and application of the industrial robot control technology is one of the major directions of Wharton development, is the only way to enter the field of intelligent manufacturing, with great universality, high work efficiency, high speed, stable and reliable, high repeat accurate. Benign structure and flexible control in a characteristic way, comparing to the traditional machine, it’s has more advantage. It’s appearance offers high speed, high efficient, high precision and high reliability for Wharton’s CNC technology concept, and bring a qualitatively leapt. The robot control technology based on graphical recognition is the new break-through skill at Wharton, which can profoundly control the accurate system. The robot offline programming is used computer graphics, establish the geometric model of robot and its working environment, with some programming algorithm, the control and operation of graphics to achieve the control precision.


Modular control concept

The modular design is the separating design of a whole production line or mechanical equipment, in order to achieve different effects in different situations. Modular manufacturing advantages: first design documentation, unified large-scale production, to ensure the stable quality of products. Modular design advantages: benifits Selection and management for the workpiece and the diversity of the workpiece, the rational modular system is based on the purpose that can maximize the economic and reasonable to meet customer requirements, at the mean time can also reduce the cost of production and management by the general module of the mass production and mass management.